The name 'Forbidden Forest' is derived from the story of Adam and Eve, an ancient myth. This becomes a metaphor to the overall experience of the audience. where a room is provided with plants that are encased in a steel/glass box where no one is allowed to touch them. The entire space becomes a place for contemplative thought and observation of the everchanging nature of plants. - each plant is housed in a box that is slightly at a smaller volume than the growth of the plant. - at the end of 21'39 the plants will appear trapped onto themselves and awaiting to be released.
The overall experience is viewed as a journey.
the entrance imposes the sense of a 'biginning'
the beginning will host two single and independant rooms at which one of them is filled with seeds (either henna or sunflower seeds), while the other room hosts a single floating air-plant within a white washed environment.
while the midpoint, where the staircase is, signifies a peak in any given lifetime of various situations.
each staircase will contain a different environment, each related to the variety of environmental locations in the world.
one will contain a desert, while the other will be a forest that hosts the entire collection that is separated into the separate rooms.
the endpoint, before the video room, signifies death or the end of the journey.
the last room will host the same plant from that of the seeds, while the facing room will be unused.
The overarching theme becomes containing each plant in its' own distinct environment, thus each plant can have its own 'fictional reality'.