Formal Setting
To mimic a commercial space
In an interview conducted with the renowned film director Ali Al Sumayin, he stated that “If we were to have a cinema space that cultivates local talent, we need to have more than just a single cinema space; we need multiple spaces that allow for multiple showings at the same time. Although the number of seats/people within the cinema are not that important, what really counts is that the cinema has the highest quality of projectors and sounds”
The Dark Room showcases local and international films in a setting of private screenings, award winning films, and box office movies.

Ban Space
To mimic underground movements
Based on an interview with the award winning local writer, producer and a actress Nada Almojadedi; we asked her in regards to the role of performance in the Saudi Theatre scene and her response was that currently in Jeddah there are no easy-access spaces for rehearsalsand informal forms of performance.
The Forum space becomes a backdrop for a multiplicity of events that can take place within the context of Hayy; Talks, Lectures, Screenings, Dance, Performance....etc.
Informal Setting
To mimic cinema alhoush (garden cinemas)
In an interview with the locally prominent artist, actress, and story-teller Fatima Albanawi;the framework of experimental films and certain performances in an informal settingwas a major point of departure, “in Jeddah, I offer my home as a platform for showcasingart films and short movies in a relaxed and laied back setting where the viewiersend up mingling with the film makers and end up having a serendipitous moment ofinspiration and discussion. This in turn brings forward a discussion that goes beyondthe cinema/theatre walls as a result of that atmosphere.”
The Light Room therefore offers an environment that can host experimental films, artfilms, documentaries, audio-visual projections, as well as discussion panels or lectures.